Channel: PTC Community : Popular Discussions - Other Subjects
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Downloading Emails (or a new user starting place)

A couple of questions:(1)Is there a way to download a collaboratory forum or all the email sections to my computer? (2)I saw in one of the post the listing of a book, cannot seem to find it now, but...

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ORIGIN variable in MathCAD

The ORIGIN variable is the variable that sets the indexing for matrixes. When the user sets the ORIGIN to a value of 1, MathCAD should start the indexing of matrixes at one. When I do this, MathCAD...

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Mathcad 12 & Refprop (NIST23)

Does anybody have any ideas on how I could get Mathcad and Refprop (NIST Standard Reference Database 23) to work together. I was trying to access Refprop through VBScript, but one of the limitations...

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adding single line to a vector/matrix

Hello!I have a simple, but rather interesting question here: does anybody know, how to simply extend a vector (or matrix) with a single element (or line). Whenever I came to the point of adding one...

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You have got to be kidding!  This thing is supposed to replace the collaboratory? For starters, how does one fine new (unread) messages?  It seems one needs to click on all of the individual areas,...

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convert Mathcad sheet to pdf file

Hi,Anybody knows how to convert a Mathcad sheetto a pdf file?Prefer to getting whole thing (including header and footer) like printing on papers.thanks a lot.

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Matrix to vector (M2V)

Could someone help me to with drafting a simple short function that would be able to transform a large matrix into a vector - say M2V function. I need one M2V function for transforming matrix rows (row...

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typesetting equations

Is their a way to make MathCAD equations look like the way they do in textbooks? Formulas and equations are normally typeset in italics and basically look totally different to MathCAD worksheets. Maple...

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SMath Studio

Check out SMath Studio, a new and free symbolic mathematics software application with WYSIWYG 'paper sheet' interface at "http://en.smath.info"

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Highlight Region

hi. when i go to highlight a region the default color is yellow.  is there a way to change this default? thanks.

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Mathcad 14 List Box Output

Hello all, I am relatively new to Mathcad 14. The problem I am having is with List Boxes. In the attached document, you can see two list boxes. The second reads the output from the first and displays a...

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Excel blamed for multibillion dollar financial losses.

Interesting article in the New Statesman about the dangers of Excel, highlighting some of the problems with Excel workbooks, particularly it would seem the difficulty of validating them and the poor...

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Cylinder under external load

I am currently having trouble designing a reel winder in work, picture included below to help with the explanation. If you can imagine the wire coming off the bottom of the barrel and attached to a...

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Mathcad 14 Saving Multiple Listboxes

Hello, I am trying to program my listboxes so that the selections appear as they were last saved. Using "Saving the state of controls", I was able to do this for most for the listboxes. Howewer, one of...

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Displaying values in an equation

Hi! I am new at using PTC products, including PTC Mathcad.Few hours ago, I downloaded and installed Mathcad Prime 2.0, trial version, and of course I ended up with a problem.In fact, maybe it isn't a...

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Defining a Unit of Measurement

I am trying to get an equation to spit out an answer in the form of Teeth/Inch.How do I define Teeth as a Unit?I went through HELP in MathCad...but it tells me to type...teeth := 'a way of defining...

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typesetting equations

Is their a way to make MathCAD equations look like the way they do in textbooks? Formulas and equations are normally typeset in italics and basically look totally different to MathCAD worksheets. Maple...

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Installation problems with Mathcad 15 / Windows 7

I have a student licence of Mathcad 15 and I am trying to install it to a computer with Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit operating system and Intel-7 processor. The problem is, that the installation stops...

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Will PTC ever port Mathcad to Max OS X?

Ever plan to release a Mac variant of Mathcad?  A while ago I converted to Mac OS X, due to a very unpleasant Vista experience, after using exclusively Windows since the days of CPM.  I plan to never...

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adding single line to a vector/matrix

Hello!I have a simple, but rather interesting question here: does anybody know, how to simply extend a vector (or matrix) with a single element (or line). Whenever I came to the point of adding one...

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