Finding the area under a curve
Can someone help me to use mathcad to find the area under a curve. The curve was generated from a 2 by 10 matrix.
View ArticleSolution ever found for Running Mathcad 6.0 in Windows 7?
It works just fine except you cannot create or save a new file; Mathcad just closes/crashes. Yeah, I know how old 6.0 is. I use version 13 quite a bit but want to use 6.0 on my laptop. Thanks for any...
View ArticlePlacing multiple markers on a 2D plot
I have a fairly simple 2d plot and I want to place a few markers on it. It seems as though I can only have a maximum of 2 markers for each axis... but I need 5. Is there another way that I can add more...
View ArticleMicrosoft Visual C++ Runtime Library Error
Hi,I have problems to start Mathcat 14.020. I'll always receive the error message from Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library: Runtime Error ! in program C.\...\...\mathcad.exeI've installed the 30 days...
View ArticleSMath Studio
Check out SMath Studio, a new and free symbolic mathematics software application with WYSIWYG 'paper sheet' interface at ""
View ArticleChange Password
I'm sorry if this questios was trivial, but I can't find how to change my user password here. Regards. Alvaro.
View ArticleConverting physical component models to Mathcad functions
We've been exploring a route to convert physical component models like Mathcad functions like this... The process works through code generation of the physical component models, and...
View ArticleExcel blamed for multibillion dollar financial losses.
Interesting article in the New Statesman about the dangers of Excel, highlighting some of the problems with Excel workbooks, particularly it would seem the difficulty of validating them and the poor...
View Articleadding single line to a vector/matrix
Hello!I have a simple, but rather interesting question here: does anybody know, how to simply extend a vector (or matrix) with a single element (or line). Whenever I came to the point of adding one...
View ArticlePTC Mathcad forum: email notification html change?
I used to get emails from this forum that gave me a clue to the thread content. Now I get the notification emails, but the body is blank (in Eudora I can send the email content to my browser,...
View ArticleInstalation problem
Hello, Recently i had to bring back the initial settings on my computer wich delated all the installed software. Now when i want to install Mathcad Prime there occurs such an error "An error occurred...
View Articlereally, really simple newbie question (I think!)
As shown in the attached file, I have several values for a margin of safety. I would like to link the names of the values such that if I have to go back and insert an additional value for MS, I simply...
View ArticlePrint Preview Crashes
I have been running MathCad 14 with Windows 10. Print Preview was working but now when I try to use Print Preview it crashes and MathCad shuts down. I tried repairing the installation but this did not...
View ArticleMathcad 2001_Trial version
I just received the above mentioned.I need advice where and how to install in order it does not bug my 8 Pro.In other words, I'm willing to try, as a separate item of the installed 8 Pro.Would it be OK...
View ArticleMatrix to vector (M2V)
Could someone help me to with drafting a simple short function that would be able to transform a large matrix into a vector - say M2V function. I need one M2V function for transforming matrix rows (row...
View Articlejmg
Mona, I note that jmg has been disabled as a contributor to this forum. I surmise that his recent "malicious bug" diatribe was a rant too far for some sensitive soul or other at PTC. However, in spite...
View ArticleDisplaying values in an equation
Hi! I am new at using PTC products, including PTC Mathcad.Few hours ago, I downloaded and installed Mathcad Prime 2.0, trial version, and of course I ended up with a problem.In fact, maybe it isn't a...
View ArticleMathcad 14 List Box Output
Hello all, I am relatively new to Mathcad 14. The problem I am having is with List Boxes. In the attached document, you can see two list boxes. The second reads the output from the first and displays a...
View Articlerendering xmcd file without Mathcad
Hi,is it possible to render a xmcd file readable without using mathcad? The intention is to use a requirements management system to store the source files and make them available for inspection and to...
View ArticleChange Password
I'm sorry if this questios was trivial, but I can't find how to change my user password here. Regards. Alvaro.
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