Deleting Rows from Data Tables
I have created a Mathcad 14 sheet with a data table that I use to provide input variables. The number of rows of data in that data table vary from problem to problem, so I need to be able to increase...
View ArticleORIGIN variable in MathCAD
The ORIGIN variable is the variable that sets the indexing for matrixes. When the user sets the ORIGIN to a value of 1, MathCAD should start the indexing of matrixes at one. When I do this, MathCAD...
View ArticleLinear Interpolation and Extrapolation
I am still new in mathcad and I am wondering if there is a way to get around the fact that linterp(vx,vy,x) cannot use arrays with a different number of elements? For example, three pairs of points but...
View Articletypesetting equations
Is their a way to make MathCAD equations look like the way they do in textbooks? Formulas and equations are normally typeset in italics and basically look totally different to MathCAD worksheets. Maple...
View ArticlePage wide text block prints outside margins
I am using Mathcad am also using an older file that was created in Mathcad 14 with minor modifications to some of the inputs.The file printed fine before I upgraded to 15.I have full page...
View ArticleMathcad 14
In the past I was a very avid user of Mathcad, but it has now been quite a while since I've used it. I do not currently have a version of Mathcad installed on any of my machines, but I might be...
View ArticleVB Script Question
I have spent most of the morning looking through the Developer�s Reference Manual and the Programming Quicksheets; however, I still have a few questions.I am using MathCAD Controls and Scriptable...
View Articlerendering xmcd file without Mathcad
Hi,is it possible to render a xmcd file readable without using mathcad? The intention is to use a requirements management system to store the source files and make them available for inspection and to...
View ArticleDeleting Rows from Data Tables
I have created a Mathcad 14 sheet with a data table that I use to provide input variables. The number of rows of data in that data table vary from problem to problem, so I need to be able to increase...
View Articledecimeter
I have kind of lost track on what I have been doing to the unit system and what Mathsoft has done. At the moment I can't figure out who at some point has added decimeter to the system (it isn't present...
View ArticleMathcad deciphering
Hi one and all, Mathcad has the ability to find the physical property terms following calculations. What is the Mathcad selecting process of calculating several different physical properties and attach...
View ArticleMathcad Prime
Does anyone know if there will there be a 'Mathcad Prime Alpha' section on this forum as in the old collab. Mike
View ArticleWill PTC ever port Mathcad to Max OS X?
Ever plan to release a Mac variant of Mathcad? A while ago I converted to Mac OS X, due to a very unpleasant Vista experience, after using exclusively Windows since the days of CPM. I plan to never...
View ArticleMathcad 14 List Box Output
Hello all, I am relatively new to Mathcad 14. The problem I am having is with List Boxes. In the attached document, you can see two list boxes. The second reads the output from the first and displays a...
View ArticleSymbolic derivitives of 'trunc(x)', and 'ceil(x)
Does anyone know what this means?? When I take a symbolic derivitive of trunc(x) with respect to x I get trunc(1,x). This function can not be evaluated - to many arguments!And another one: When I take...
View ArticleAn unknown runtime error occurred. Exiting
I have several linked Mathcad 14 files that were working fine yesterday. But to day I get the following messages in all the files with referenced worksheets with the exception of one.An unknown runtime...
View ArticleProblems with installation of M15
Hi, I tried several times to install Mathcad 15.0.But always the same error appers: I really do not know, what to do. It would be great, if someone of you could help me with the installation!...
View ArticleHighlight Region
hi. when i go to highlight a region the default color is yellow. is there a way to change this default? thanks.
View ArticleSMath Studio
Check out SMath Studio, a new and free symbolic mathematics software application with WYSIWYG 'paper sheet' interface at ""
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