Here's a problem I've been wrestling with ever since I installed MathCAD12 in November. I've tried everything I can think of to try to correct. As a result of being unable to fix this, MAthCAD12 is completely unusable for me. The technical support line has been unable to help.
The file attached defines range variable i and then displays the range variable. On my machine the range variable displays as "gibberish". I won't be surprised if it displays correctly on your machine, that's what happened when I sent it to MathCAD tech support. Open the PDF file to see what happens on my machine.
Does anyone have any ideas as to what may be my problem?
Patrick Odoy
The file attached defines range variable i and then displays the range variable. On my machine the range variable displays as "gibberish". I won't be surprised if it displays correctly on your machine, that's what happened when I sent it to MathCAD tech support. Open the PDF file to see what happens on my machine.
Does anyone have any ideas as to what may be my problem?
Patrick Odoy